11 Step Continual Organizational Change Process
Read this article to learn about the stages and points to be considered in implementing organisational change.
Stages for Implementing Organisational Change:
To implement change effectively the management has to play an important key role of a Change agent and to see that the change is implemented with the support of the employees. Implementation of change takes place through a multi-dimensional process. Management has to see that the change stabilizes and becomes an indivisible part of the organisational process. It also has to see the need for change, the substitute for the old method and ethos and the new one comfortably suits the organisation. According to Kurt Lewin the change process consists of three important stages.
They are:
(i) Unfreezing,
(ii) Changing; and
(iii) Refreezing
1. Unfreezing:
Is the first step in the process of change. Unfreezing stage involves keeping aside the old ethos, old managerial style, values and organizational structure. Under this stage the need for change is recognized. All these old systems are to be replaced with the new ones. The managers should under this stage explain employees and subordinates the need and urgency to move away from the status quo or from old ethos, values, systems and methods.
He should prepare them, persuade them to adopt the new ones in the interest of organisation and themselves. Employees can be motivated in this regard through job enrichment, more authority and freedom. However, there are employees who stick up to the old values and do not want change even after adequate attempts at encouragement and motivation.
Under such circumstances force may be used as a last resort and prepare them to move away from the old systems and values etc. The unfreezing can also take place through proper education, inviting participation in the process of decision-making and seeking their cooperation.
2. Changing:
After unfreezing is completed the stage is set for change. The change takes place. Old values, systems, ethos, structure are replaced by the new ones. Under this stage there is a movement from old to new system, from old environment to new, from old behaviour to new and so on. The organization gets a new face. It is a face off of the organisation. Changing stage is an action oriented stage where new values, systems, methods, management styles and new work culture and environment are established.
3. Refreezing:
This is the stage where change becomes permanent. It is institutionalized. A new equilibrium position is ascertained. A new status quo is confirmed. A newly adopted ethos, systems, methods, structure, style are refrozen. This stage is very important. It should not leave any confusion regarding new methods, system, and ethos in the minds of employees and subordinates. Everything should be well settled. It is a state of new equilibrium.
Time is the most powerful factor which prompts everyone and every organisation to make adequate and necessary changes in the system, methods, thinking, ethos, behaviour etc. because time has changed. Permanency has its period. It has to change according to time. Equilibrium shifts from one position to the next one. It is shown in the diagram given below.
In the above diagram the positions AB, CD, EF, GH show refreezing. After change is implemented position at C is achieved CD is the refreezing state. Again there felt a need for change at point of time say at D which indicates the state of unfreezing and during a time span of DE change takes place. It refreezes at E and remains refreeze up to EF time period.
These go on in the organisation and are new points of unfreezing, time to change and refreezing again there will be a point of time for unfreezing and so on.
Rensis Likert has rightly pointed out that "Every organization is in a continuous state of change. Sometimes the changes are great, sometimes, small, but change is always taking place. The conditions requiring these changes arise from both within and without.
As a consequence, there is never ending need for decision which guides adjustments to change. The adequacy of these decisions for meeting an organisation's current and developing internal and external situations determine the well being, power and future of that organisation."
Points to be Considered Before Implementing a Change:
However following points must be taken into consideration before implementing a change:
1. The need for change should be explained to all the employees concerned because change affects all and many benefits from it. It is, therefore, necessary that all concerned should be taken into confidence through making discussions on the change to be implemented. The efforts should be made to convince all in favour of change.
2. In the undertakings where there are unions, the change to be implemented must be discussed with the trade union people and reach the agreement.
3. Implementing a change is a planned activity. Plans must be chalked out to implement change. A consensus should reach for need to change. It will facilitate smooth sailing because employees are prepared to welcome change.
4. The change brings along with it the increased responsibility and higher work standard and quality. This increases the workload. It is therefore necessary to raise the salary and wages of the employees and provide all the facilities so that they feel at ease with the change and without realizing the burden of it.
5. Change aggrieves many. The difficulties should be understood properly and to solve them. The unresolved disputes may be submitted to arbitration and the decision thereof be made binding on the parties concerned. As far as possible try to avoid conflict and nip it in the bud before it raises its head.
6. Change should be in tune with the growth of the undertaking. The time of expansion of undertaking and that of change must be the same so that if change causing retrenchment then the retrenched employees may be absorbed in another plant or they may find jobs elsewhere without further loss.
7. Implementation of change increases the responsibility of Human Resource Department as change does not occur only in technology and marketing strategy alone but also in human behaviour, attitudes ethos, cultural and social relationships which affect organisational climate. So H R Department has to take a note of it and be prepared to alter the H R strategy. It is essential because change promises better future and accelerating growth and to be in the race with others.
8. Make an analysis of resistance to change and make all out efforts to remove fears from the minds of the employees. Management should face the criticism boldly and try to remove the grievances and illusions if any. Most of the criticisms are unfounded and evoke from one or other illusions. But while doing so management must carefully and patiently listen to the suggestions, arguments against and in favour from the employees and take a note of their impressions and resentments and try to accommodate the valuable suggestions while planning and implementing change.
9. Make the employees accessible with the process of change so that they get convinced and start taking interests in the process. It will prepare them to accept change.
Source: https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/hrm/organisation/organizational-change-stages-and-points/60284
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